CFO Services

Our virtual CFOs bring with them a set of skills that helps you efficiently manage finances with improved investments, time efficiency leading to greater profits. 

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The quality of financial management can make or break a business. 

In today’s fast-paced business environment, management is often required to take rapid financial decisions. In order to tackle this issue, a firm requires an asset who specializes in critically analyzing and strategising financial decisions and managing finances. 

This is where we come in. We, at Lapras Business Consultants Private Limited, provide organizations with Virtual Chief Financial Officers. They essentially provide the same services as a CFO but work on a remote basis. The aim behind this concept is to provide specialized financial management services to firms but at a reduced cost by removing the CFO’s full-time employment costs. 

Our virtual CFOs bring with them a set of skills that helps you efficiently manage finances with improved investments, time efficiency leading to greater profits. We offer specialization in managing Accounting, Taxation, Banking, and Finance related assistance to businesses throughout the globe. 

Our prospects include: 

  1. Virtual CFO: Engaging with your business as Strategic Partners, on an ongoing basis to help improve your profitability. 
  2. Interim CFO: Deputizing services on a temporary basis, caused by a sudden departure of the current CFO.
  3. Special Project CFO: Assisting your management team, and the CFO, with mission-critical projects.
  4. Full Time CFO: Providing overall financial advice and services suitable for your kind of organization.

Want To Work With Us?

Our dynamic team strives to give you innovative solutions with our multidisciplinary services. Connect with us to go stress-free with processes, finances and compliance obligations.